In todays lesson we talked about the wedding of Nazir, the oldest son of the Khan family. Nazir should marry traditionally. So he never sees his pride before. That's why the tension and the agitation of all the people taking part of the festivity is really high. First everybody talks loudly and then all people become quiet when the pride hidden behind a veil comes in the hall where the ceremony takes place. She sits down next to Nazir and her mother raises her veil. Also the veil of Nazir is raised by his sibling, Abdul.
When the mother of the pride gives as a ritual a golden ball to Nazir, Nazir rejects it, removes hectically his traditional hut and runs off against his fathers will. All the people are shocked.
Back in the house, one can see that Nazir is removed from the family portrait.
During the wedding ceremony one can feel a tense and uneasy, but also ceremonial atmosphere. This atmosphere is given to the spectator through bright colours and different stylistic devices of camera operations and sound effects.
At first there's a traditional Arabic music which underlines through its staccato of drums and through murmerings in the background the raising tension of the scene. This gets its climax when the pride comes in. Therefore the music and the murmerings stop abruptly. When the pride sits the tension is kept high through an Arabic chant. Not until Nazir rejetcts the ball, one can hear a single beat of a drum. This underlines that there's happening something abnormal and that the wedding begins to lose its aim. More staccato drum beats follow quicklier and quicklier and one hears the hectic of the scene. In the end tragical sounds underline the drama that Nazir runs away.
However, the sound is not the only thing which is urging to analysed. At first, there are particularly in the first part of the scene a lot of medium shots and full shots introducing time, place and characters to the spectator. For example there's a kind of wedding manager with sun glasses and a ruby coloured jacket introduced in a medium shot which directs the incomming people.
In addition to that, close up shots to faces and establishing shots or so called point of view shots, mainly of Nazir, express tense and uneasy feelings the spectator can identify with.
The golden ball is shown in an close up shot of Nazirs hand and the little ball so that one can easily see the rejection of Nazir through his hand.
To put it in a nutshell, the spector isn't only able to see this scene, he will take part in it, sometimes as a guest through observant shots or as one of the caracters through point of view shots. Moreover through the hearing of fitting sound effects he's kept to feel this scene in two different sense, through his eyes and ears.
2 Kommentare:
es heißt "Bride" nicht "pride", letzteres ist übersetzt "Stolz" und nicht "Braut".
"Which is urging to BE analysed"
"that there happens something abnormal"
"wedding PLANNER"
"close up shots OF faces"
"shown in A close up"
"TO CONCLUDE" niemand sollte "to put it in a nutshell" schreiben.
Sorry, aber das ist irgendwie schlecht, dass dein Englisch nicht so genial ist, wenn du auf dem Gymnasium bist.
besser als die hausaufgaben selber zu machen
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